
The flower markets meet

On 2 October, Mercabarna hosted a meeting among the Mercabarna management, the manager of Mercavalencia, José Joaquín García; the manager of Mercamurcia, Martín Peña, and the manager of Mercamurcia's flower market, Elías Celdrán; and the Mercasa representative, Silvia Llerena, to talk about the situation in the flower sector.

More information about The flower markets meet

8 November: original ideas for tackling the recession

On Sunday 8 November, the Mercabarna-flor flower market hosted this year's Mercademostraciones, an event for professionals in the flower sector that has been organised by Mercabarna and the Association of Wholesale Dealers (AEM) for the past 26 years.

More information about 8 November: original ideas for tackling the recession

‘Mmmm... I’m delicious!’

In September, the Spanish Association of Market Fish Wholesalers (ANMAPE) and the Spanish Fishing Federation (CEPESCA) staged a campaign in various Spanish municipal markets to promote the consumption of fish.

More information about ‘Mmmm... I’m delicious!’

Agreements to promote the fish sector

Promoting innovation and the use of new technologies in the fish sector. That is the main objective of the agreement signed on 16 September between the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Fish Traders Federation, which includes the Association of Fresh and Frozen Fish and Seafood Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona (GMP) among its members.

More information about Agreements to promote the fish sector

The fish sector analyses the marketing of fresh anchovies

On 5 October, representatives of the fish marketing sector, including representatives of the Wholesale Dealers Association (GMP), the Retailers Association and Mercabarna, met managers at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Issues to discuss marketing fresh anchovies.

More information about The fish sector analyses the marketing of fresh anchovies