
Training Area Improves Facilities

Improvements were made to the Mercabarna Training Area in January with the purpose of adapting the facilities to the current standards the Catalan Occupation Service (SOC) requires of all collaborating entities.

More information about <p>Training Area Improves Facilities</p>

Agreement with Rural World Foundation

Since the end of 2009, Mercabarna has been collaborating with Saó, a reflection group that seeks to foster discussion and dissemination of the situation of the rural world and agrofood sector.

More information about <p>Agreement with Rural World Foundation</p>

New Asepeyo Ambulance

The health centre run by Asepeyo, the occupational accident-insurance company, has acquired a new ambulance.

More information about <p>New Asepeyo Ambulance</p>

New Biological Purifier Begins Functioning

Mercabarna’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR) is equipped with a new facility for purifying the wastewater from activity at the Slaughterhouse and Central Fish Market - a biological purifier which further enhances the process of eliminating waste from water.

More information about <p>New Biological Purifier Begins Functioning</p>

New Work Equipment Store

The work material and equipment business Ryddet has opened a new store in the banks and offices area (c/Longitudinal 4, store no. 17).

More information about <p>New Work Equipment Store</p>