
Núria Gstems: "Experience + Training: The Perfect Combination"

Interview with Núria Gustems, former student of the Master's degree programme in Food Company Management

Núria Gustems is one of the Managers of Grupo Torné, one of Mercabarna's fish sector companies. Four years ago, she earned a Master's degree in Food Company Management, a course offered by the Triptolemos Foundation and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

More information about Núria Gstems: "Experience + Training: The Perfect Combination"

Salvador Martí: "Training helps you face new challenges without fear"

Interview with Salvador Martí, former student of the Postgraduate degree programme in Wholesale Food Company Management

Salvador Martí, manager of Frutas E. Sánchez, a fruit and vegetable company, participated in the first Postgraduate degree programme in Wholesale Food Company Management, offered by the Triptolemos Foundation and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), promoted by Assocome.

More information about Salvador Martí: "Training helps you face new challenges without fear"

Orange, Mercabarna’s New Telecommunications Operator

On 3 June, Mercabarna's Managing Director, Montserrat Gil de Bernabé and the Managing Director of Orange in Spain, Jean Marc Vignolles, signed the framework agreement whereby Orange will become the mobile operator of the market’s closed user group (which includes wholesalers and buyers).

More information about Orange, Mercabarna’s New Telecommunications Operator

Mercabarna, Supporting the Parque de la Ciudadela and the Zoo

A journey into the past, present and future of the Parque de la Ciudadela and Barcelona Zoo through the memories and experiences of around fifty personalities from the world of politics, culture, cinema, literature and sport: this is the objective of the book entitled “The Zoo Park. The Heart of the Ciudadela”, published by Barcelona City Council and presented at the Zoo on 4 June.
As an institution associated with various cultural and social initiatives in the city of Barcelona, Mercabarna is one of the sponsors of this book.

More information about Mercabarna, Supporting the Parque de la Ciudadela and the Zoo

Wholesale Solidarity

The campaign carried out during the first fortnight of May by Mercabarna and the Food Bank Foundation, with the collaboration of the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona and Province (AGEM), to encourage the Market's fruit and vegetable companies to increase their contribution of surplus fresh produce to the Food Bank has yielded its first results.

More information about Wholesale Solidarity

Jordi Maymó, New Director at Mercasevilla

As of 21 May, Mercabarna’s former Managing Director, Jordi Maymó, is the new Managing Director of Mercasevilla. Maymó, who was nominated by this company's board of directors, replaces Fernando Mellet who was dismissed from his post, having been Manager of this food site up to this point in time.

More information about Jordi Maymó, New Director at Mercasevilla