Building Work at the Main Entrance

This activity, developed by the Department of Roads and Infrastructure Management (GISA) and Barcelona City Council, consists of the reorganisation of the existing traffic lanes.

This will increase the crossroads' capacity, improving the traffic flow between Mercabarna, the Port, the Airport and the Pratenc Industrial Estate. The work is being financed by the Central Government's “Plan E”, a package of direct measures aimed at all municipalities to boost job creation.

Amongst the main activities to be carried out are the creation of a new lane to access the precinct from Calle K (coming from La Feixa Larga) and that of another new lane at the Mercabarna bridge in the direction of El Prat, which will help ease traffic congestion when leaving via the main entrance.

The work will last approximately three months and disruption to vehicles entering and leaving the precinct will be minimal, as the bulk of the work will be done during the hours when there is least traffic.