The Lima Municipal Markets Company at Mercabarna

These executives were accompanied by around ten horticultural wholesalers from the city’s wholesale market. The Peruvian delegation wanted to learn more about the Complementary Activities Zone (ZAC) and the structure and activities of the companies that are located within this space, which endeavour to provide added value to the product and client service, since they hope to construct an area with similar characteristics in the new wholesale centre that is being built in Lima.
As a typical example of a ZAC company, they visited Patatas Bonet, a potato packaging and distribution firm.

Visit by the Government of Catalonia's Director General for Trade
On 19 May, Gemma Puig, the Government of Catalonia's Director-General for Trade, visited Mercabarna to see in situ how activity is carried out in this food site. As well as the visit, Puig held a meeting with Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, Mercabarna's Managing Director.