
Implementing Food Safety in Businesses

Food sector businesses are bound by law to implement their own controls to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations with regard to product handling and in their facilities.

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National Wholesale Sector Seeks Formulas to Increase Competitiveness

Around 200 people who work in the fishing sector, including wholesalers and representatives of institutions, central markets, retailers’ associations, members of the fishing sector and fish markets, took part in the 2nd Wholesale Markets Congress of the National Association of Market Fish Wholesalers (ANMAPE) held in Madrid on 26 and 27 May.

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Summer Flowers Exhibition at Mercabarna-flor

Mercabarna-flor and the Association of Wholesale Businesspeople (AEM) hosted a new thematic demonstration on 7 June aimed at providing florists with new ideas and suggestions on designing floral arrangements to step up sales. This time the event was dedicated to summer flowers and plants.

More information about Summer Flowers Exhibition at Mercabarna-flor

Schara Opens Stand at Boqueria Market

Mercabarna meat purveyors La Charcutería Alemana Michael Schara opened a stand at the Boqueria Market in late May from where it sells its quality cooked pork products and huge range of cooked sausages.

More information about Schara Opens Stand at Boqueria Market

Islamic Groups Learn about Halaal Slaughter at the Market

On 11 June four Moroccan and Pakistani organisations from Barcelona province, accompanied by representatives of the Department of Civil Rights at Barcelona City Council and the Halaal Institute, visited the Slaughterhouse to learn more about how calves and lamb are slaughtered at the facility.

More information about Islamic Groups Learn about Halaal Slaughter at the Market

Interview with Lluís Ràfols, from Ràfols Fruits

"Starting at the bottom has helped me learn the trade"

At age 24, Lluís is one of the youngest dealers at the Market. Having started helping in the family business his father runs during the summer, he has now been a dealer for one year. He hopes to eventually run the company.

More information about Interview with Lluís Ràfols, from Ràfols Fruits

Interview with Mercè Sousa, wholesaler with CMR, the fruit and vegetable sales company

"I feel right at home at the Market"

At 90 years of age, Mercè can count on one hand the number of days she has not come to the Market. A tireless worker, Mercè has been selling fruit and vegetables wholesale for seven decades. She has seen with her own eyes how her small dealer's stall at the old Born Market has grown into one of the most powerful companies in the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market.

More information about Interview with Mercè Sousa, wholesaler with CMR, the fruit and vegetable sales company