
“A Catalunya, fem créixer el verd”

Mercabarna-flor and AEM, the Association of Wholesale Dealers collaborate with the “A Catalunya, fem créixer el verd” (In Catalonia, we make green grow), a campaign that began in April and which is promoted by CHOC, the Catalan Ornamental Horticulture Association, and has the support of the Government of Catalonia.

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New Management for the Market's Ice Factories

At the end of April, the GMP (Association of Fresh and Frozen Seafood Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona and Province) delegated the management of the production and distribution of both of the Central Fish Market’s ice factories to Hielos Torné, a company located at Mercabarna.

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Statistics Book Published

The principal data on the marketing of more than 200 species, the evolution of prices in the different product families and the origins of the fresh fish and seafood sold at the Market.

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Cultivar Opens a New Warehouse at Mercamadrid

Cultivar, Mercabarna's fruit and vegetable company, has opened a new warehouse in the Services and Warehouse Zone at Mercamadrid.
Thirteen years ago this company opened in this Food Unit and it currently has six sales points in the Fruit and Vegetable Market.

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Greengrocer Chains Join Forces

Nine of the leading specialised greengrocer chains in the Catalan region have created the business association, Fruital. The overriding mission of this body is to join forces to secure initiatives before public and private bodies, to improve services to the end consumer, to promote campaigns to encourage consumption, and to collaborate with the administration to guarantee that these shops comply with employment and administrative regulations and that the products they sell are in line with legislation governing quality, hygiene and traceability.

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New Business Opportunities in Developing Markets

Around 350 Catalan fruit and vegetable professionals, along with 27 international operators, participated in the FRUITA 10 Congress, Catalonia's First International Congress on Sweet Fruits, which was held from 5 to 7 May in Lleida.

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Participation in the Green Med Forum

Mercabarna participated in the 3rd Green Med Forum, held in Rome from 12 to 14 May. Representatives from wholesale markets from the Mediterranean Basin (such as Italy, Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon) were present at this event along with members of business associations, cooperatives and fruit and vegetable producers, whose objective was to share experiences on the way markets work, and logistics.

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