“A Catalunya, fem créixer el verd”

Mercabarna-flor and AEM, the Association of Wholesale Dealers collaborate with the “A Catalunya, fem créixer el verd” (In Catalonia, we make green grow), a campaign that began in April and which is promoted by CHOC, the Catalan Ornamental Horticulture Association, and has the support of the Government of Catalonia.

All agents from the flower sector are involved in this initiative that seeks to generate a cultural transformation amongst the Catalan population with the aim of increasing the flower and plant consumption.

Advertising in the media
The campaign is basically carried out through advertising on various radio slots and adverts in the written media in which the role of these products as a source of wellbeing, quality of life and sustainability is highlighted.

More information on the “A Catalunya, fem créixer el verd” campaign can be found online at: www.choc.cat