Mercabarna Collaborates with the Impuls Project to Boost Employment

SOC, Catalonia's Employment Service, has granted a subsidy to Mercabarna's Training Area to carry out 46 occupational training courses, aimed primarily at the unemployed. These courses are part of the Impuls project, a Government of Catalonia initiative which seeks to promote employment in sectors with good prospects for the future. "They have awarded us these courses because we are one of the training centres that, in spite of the economic recession, continues to have a high rate of job placement amongst its students," points out Maite Palat, Head of the Training Area.

It is predicted that through these courses more than 250 people will be trained in trades such as the sale of fresh food products (butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers and charcuterie specialists), florists and warehouse assistants.

A reminder: Any Mercabarna company that makes an application can take on students from these courses as part of their work experience.
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