Cultivar Opens a New Warehouse at Mercamadrid

Cultivar, Mercabarna's fruit and vegetable company, has opened a new warehouse in the Services and Warehouse Zone at Mercamadrid.
Thirteen years ago this company opened in this Food Unit and it currently has six sales points in the Fruit and Vegetable Market.

The new 8,000m2-warehouse will bring the activities of reception, storage, refrigeration and packing together under one roof, a development that will make sales and the distribution logistics of fruit and vegetables to new regions of Spain more efficient.

On 30 April, around 500 people attended the inauguration of this new warehouse. Amongst those attending was Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, Mercabarna's Managing Director, who in her speech noted Cultivar’s trajectory as a pioneering company in the import of fruit and vegetables, especially in exotic products, and one of the first to build a warehouse in the ZAC at Mercabarna.