Implementing Food Safety in Businesses

To help firms apply the regulations, the Mercabarna Training Area will run three courses on Food Safety and Hygiene in Food Industries this year. The courses, subsidised by Catalonia’s Employment Service (SOC), are mainly targeted at the unemployed, although they will also be open to people working in businesses in the Food Unit.

The courses take an in-depth look at the implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and the development of self-monitoring control plans as regards water, cleaning and disinfection, etc. There will also be talks on health and safety techniques in food handling to prevent contamination and foresee possible alterations.
The 50-hour-long courses will run from 12 to 23 July, 18 to 29 October and 15 to 26 November.

For further information or to register, please contact the Training Area at:, formacio(ELIMINAR) or call 93 556 34 56.