
Giving Blood at Mercabarna

A total of 32 people donated blood at the mobile unit the Blood and Tissue Bank set up in marquees inside the Mercabarna Fruit and Vegetable Central Market on 12 January.

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Food Industry Graduates Seek Work Experience in Mercabarna Firms

The non-profit association Voluntarios en Asesoría Empresarial (Business Advisory Volunteers, or VAE) is promoting work experience positions for Latin American university graduates in Catalan companies to complete their education and to provide them with a chance to learn about business models in other countries. 

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Tools for Negotiating with Defaulters

With companies feeling the pinch of the economic downturn, one of the main concerns of Mercabarna businesses is what to do about the growing number of customers that don’t settle their invoices.

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What are the Future Challenges for the Foodservice Sector?

Around 60 people who work in the foodservice sector, half from Mercabarna firms and the rest from outside the Market, met in Mercabarna on 19 January to attend the second conference on the Stimulus Plan for the Foodservice Cluster of Catalonia, where the key points for the future of the sector were analysed.

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