
Barcelona Food Cluster Association: Cluster Businesses Discover Latest Fresh Produce Technologies at IRTA

The Barcelona Food Cluster Association, an organisation spearheaded by Mercabarna, is continuing to promote actions that can improve the competiveness of its food business members. The latest involved organising a visit to the Institute for Agrofood Research and Technology (IRTA) in Monells, Girona on 20 September, attended by nine companies. The visit was part of the activities scheduled within the innovation group the Association promotes.

More information about Barcelona Food Cluster Association: Cluster Businesses Discover Latest Fresh Produce Technologies at IRTA

Code of Business Practices for Entire Food Chain

Representatives of Catalan agricultural production and distribution have joined forces to create the Code of Good Business Practices throughout the entire food chain. The code is a memorandum of understanding with 54 commitments aimed at bolstering and improving relations among the parties in the chain.

More information about Code of Business Practices for Entire Food Chain

'5-a-Day’ Launches New-Look Website

The ‘5-a-Day’ campaign promoted by Mercabarna and the Barcelona and Province Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers’ Business Association (AGEM) is kicking off the 2011-2012 school year with an important new feature: a new-look website

More information about '5-a-Day’ Launches New-Look Website

Market Businesses to Take Part in Fruit Attraction

Once again, Mercabarna and the Barcelona and Province Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers’ Business Association (AGEM) will organise the joint presence of five market firms in the Fruit Attraction trade fair to be held this year at the IFEMA centre in Madrid from 19 to 21 October.

More information about Market Businesses to Take Part in Fruit Attraction