
Top-Range Market Produce Prices Fall

Within the group of Central Fish Market products considered top-range, i.e., those that sell for more than €15/kg, it has been found that more of them have seen their prices fall than rise so far this year.

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Sònia Recasens, New Chair of Mercabarna

Sònia Recasens was appointed the new chair of Mercabarna at the company’s Board of Directors meeting on 3 November. Ms Recasens, who succeeds Jordi William Carnes, is the deputy mayor of Barcelona for Economics, Enterprise and Employment.

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Pere Brachfield: "There are three types of defaulters..."

Interview with Pere Brachfield, specialist in how to proceed with bad debtors

With the crisis, late payments have become one of the biggest headaches for businesses. Pere Brachfield ( has been studying this problem and teaching people how to handle defaulters for over 20 years, working with different universities and business schools. He is also the director of the Centre for Default Studies and has written more books on this topic than anyone else in the world. Mr Brachfield gave a course on bad debtors at the Mercabarna Training Area in November.

More information about Pere Brachfield: "There are three types of defaulters..."

Flowers and Plants Every Day!

This is the name of the campaign for schoolchildren that Mercabarna management, the Wholesale Businesses’ Association (AEM) and the Rosa Valls-formació School have implemented. The goal is to encourage the boys and girls taking part to discover the world of flowers and plants, and to raise awareness of the emotional-wellbeing benefits they can bring and their importance with regard to the environment.

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A Poor Autumn for Mushrooms

The Central Fruit and Vegetable Market’s mushrooms campaign has got off to the worst start in the past five years. The lack of rain and the high temperatures recorded in September and October led to a mushroom shortage in a season when mushrooms play an important role at the Market.

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"The Fish of Mercabarna" Exhibition to Open at the Food Unit

An exhibition entitled “The Fish of Mercabarna” is set to open in the lobby of the Management Centre on 15 December. The exhibition will feature the laminate sheets created by the artist and director of the Capellades Paper Mill Museum, Victoria Rabal, with images of the fish that arrive at the Central Fish Market each day.

More information about "The Fish of Mercabarna" Exhibition to Open at the Food Unit

Mercabarna-flor Gives Carnations to the Elderly

The Mercabarna-flor Wholesale Businesses Association (AEM) collaborated once again this year in International Day of Older Persons, held on 1 October. The collaboration consisted of donating 2,000 carnations which were distributed to passing senior citizens during a solidarity march through the centre of Barcelona. More than 150 people including volunteers, partners and collaborators of Amics de la Gent Gran (Friends of Senior Citizens) took part.

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Second "Grow with Fish" Campaign Kicks Off

The second “Grow with Fish” campaign kicked off in late September with the goal of repeating the success of last year’s campaign. This time around, all the open days for visits have been filled and it is expected that more than 5,000 students from 100 Catalan schools will take part in the initiative, promoted by the Fish Wholesalers’ Association (GMP) in collaboration with Mercabarna, designed to promote knowledge about and the consumption of fishery produce among children.

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