Flowers and Plants Every Day!

This is the name of the campaign for schoolchildren that Mercabarna management, the Wholesale Businesses’ Association (AEM) and the Rosa Valls-formació School have implemented. The goal is to encourage the boys and girls taking part to discover the world of flowers and plants, and to raise awareness of the emotional-wellbeing benefits they can bring and their importance with regard to the environment.

Although a pilot test was carried out with 12 schools last year, the campaign officially kicked off on 10 November with the visit of a group of children from a school in Esplugues de Llobregat. Over 250 children aged nine to 10 from different Catalan schools that have joined the initiative are expected to take part this year.

Look, smell, touch
The backbone of the campaign is the morning-long visit to Mercabarna-flor. Accompanied by a monitor, the children take an educational, fun look at the different Market sales areas. It is a fantastic way of learning about the wholesale marketing business of floral products and especially an opportunity to feel, smell and discover the immense variety of flowers and plants that exist. In the plants area, the children see aromatic plants, carnivorous plants, fruit trees, etc., and in the flower area they identify the most common species, their varieties, where they come from and ways to keep them fresh for longer. The visit to Mercabarna-flor concludes with a flower-arranging workshop, where the children learn to clean and cut flowers, assemble them with different varieties of greenery and wrap and decorate them with accessories to make a bunch they later take home.

As a support for the campaign, Mercabarna, AEM and Rosa Valls-formació have also published a colourful brochure which is handed out to the children so that the “Flowers and Plants Every Day!” message also reaches their families.