Mercabarna at the World Union of Wholesale Markets Conference in China

Around 260 representatives of wholesale markets from 23 countries attended the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) conference held in China from 18 to 21 October.

Under the slogan “Global Collaborations: The Future Market”, the event addressed issues such as cooperation between international markets and operators to tackle the current economic and social challenges.

Mercabarna managing director Montserrat Gil de Bernabé moderated a roundtable discussion on planning and management in wholesale food distribution in Asian countries. And, at the European Markets meeting that took place during the conference, Ms Gil de Bernabé spoke on the content of the latest European Commission meetings where the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2014-2020 period is being discussed, and stressed the need for the wholesale sector to be present at the discussions. The Mercabarna managing director also explained the Barcelona Food Cluster that Mercabarna is promoting.