
“Barcelona Fresh” Taskforces Underway

“Barcelona Fresh”, the initiative that aims to boost fish sector competitiveness, promoted by the Economic Promotion Area at Barcelona City Council via 22@Barcelona with the support of Mercabarna, is making good progress.

More information about “Barcelona Fresh” Taskforces Underway

Mercabarna and AGEM at Fruit Logistica

Mercabarna and the Barcelona and Province Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers Business Association (AGEM) have taken part for the first time, and in joint fashion, in Fruit Logistica, one of the world’s most important sector trade fairs, held in Berlin from 9 to 11 February.

More information about Mercabarna and AGEM at Fruit Logistica

Fountain and Pond Design Course

The Gardening Association of Catalonia has asked the Mercabarna Training Area to offer a course on “Designing Ponds, Fountains and Cascades”, set to be taught on 17 and 24 March at the Mercabarna-flor facilities. This brand new course is targeted at gardeners who want to learn about the construction, types and maintenance of water gardens and the most suitable plants to use with them.
Further information on the course is available at: or by phoning 93 556 34 56

More information about Fountain and Pond Design Course

Improved Job Placement Levels of Training Area Students

Students undertaking occupational training courses at Mercabarna’s Training Area aspire to learn a trade that will help them find a job. This goal was achieved by 27% of the students in 2010, i.e., more than one in every four who enrolled. As Training Area manager Maite Palat pointed out, “This is a really heartening figure, particularly if you consider how hard it is to get into the job market today.”

More information about Improved Job Placement Levels of Training Area Students

Mercabarna’s Increased Media Profile

Mercabarna is becoming increasingly better known to the public. To a large extent this is because the work it does and the events it has hosted in the market have been picked up on by the media more and more in recent years – a trend that was clearer than ever in 2010, when mentions in the press were up 54.5% on 2009.

More information about Mercabarna’s Increased Media Profile

Logistics as a Competitive Edge Tool

Around 40 sector workers, mostly from Mercabarna firms, attended the third congress on the Stimulus Plan for the Foodservice Cluster of Catalonia held in Mercabarna on 9 February, which discussed the importance of logistics as a tool to gain a competitive edge in the foodservice sector.

More information about Logistics as a Competitive Edge Tool

“Last Stop: Recycling” Results

The environmental awareness campaign Mercabarna ran from July 2010 to January 2011 helped remind market users of good practices with regard to separating the waste generated by their activity. The campaign was designed to provide information to users and to foster their ongoing collaboration as a basic requirement for upholding the high recycling levels attained at the market.

More information about “Last Stop: Recycling” Results

Agreement with PCiTAL to Boost Food Sector

Messrs Jordi Hereu and Àngel Ros, mayors of Barcelona and Lleida respectively, met at Mercabarna on 3 February to sign an agreement that will see Mercabarna and the Lleida Agrofood Science and Technology Park (PCiTAL) join forces in order to boost and promote the management and development of the food sector.

More information about Agreement with PCiTAL to Boost Food Sector