Good Results for Florists Participating in Barcelona Opportunity Week

The 37 flower shops that took part in the 2nd Barcelona Opportunity Week (BCNOW!) sold nearly 650 bunches of flowers thanks to the promotional campaign held between 28 January and 6 February. The goal that Mercabarna-Flor, the Wholesale Businesses Association (AEM) and the Florists of Catalonia Association set when they joined the campaign, i.e., to promote flower consumption during one of the traditionally most sluggish periods of the year, was therefore met. The campaign also benefited the Food Bank Foundation, which received part of the profits.

Florists Keen to Repeat the Experience
Although sales weren’t spectacular, the Barcelona florists were positive about their participation in BCNOW! because of the promotional experience it afforded them, and expressed their keenness to get involved again next year. Some people mentioned they would like to see similar joint promotional activities more often. They also stated that for coming years, when the initiative is better consolidated, they were sure sales would improve. This was the first time that florist shops, municipal markets, theatres, museums and cinemas joined Barcelona Opportunity Week, an initiative promoted by City Council and Turismo de Barcelona that was launched in 2009 with hotels and restaurants from around town.