Code of Business Practices for Entire Food Chain

Representatives of Catalan agricultural production and distribution have joined forces to create the Code of Good Business Practices throughout the entire food chain. The code is a memorandum of understanding with 54 commitments aimed at bolstering and improving relations among the parties in the chain.

Eleven organisations and associations, including Mercabarna and the Barcelona and Province Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers’ Business Association (AGEM), signed the Code in July at an event presided by the Catalan minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Natural Environment and his counterpart for Enterprise and Labour.

The other signees were the Spanish Supermarket Chains Association, the Spanish Association for Distributors and Supermarkets, the Spanish National Association of Major Distribution Companies, the Council of Distribution and Self-Service Retailers of Catalonia, the Pimec association for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises of Catalonia, the Foro Interalimentario group, the Unió de Pagesos farmers’ association and the group Young Farmers of Catalonia (JARC).

54 commitments
One of the main aims of the Code is to boost efficient relations among operators, and to this end it includes a series of commitments to foster transparency, agility and security in business transactions. The Code also aims to improve product information for consumers (origins, qualities, prices, etc.) and the design of promotional campaigns for foods, particularly local produce. The parties also agree to work on introducing improvements in the fields of logistics, innovation, traceability and other areas.

The agreement has involved the establishment of a joint committee which will meet twice a year to monitor compliance with the commitments.