Agreements to promote the fish sector

Promoting innovation and the use of new technologies in the fish sector. That is the main objective of the agreement signed on 16 September between the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Fish Traders Federation, which includes the Association of Fresh and Frozen Fish and Seafood Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona (GMP) among its members.
Under the terms of the agreement, the two organisations will co-operate on training activities to improve fishmongers' skills, especially in the management field. The Chamber will also support the Federation in order for it to provide its members with accreditation for obtaining a digital signature, which will enable them to simplify government procedures.

Agreement with the Mediterranean Diet Foundation
Meanwhile, on 30 September, the GMP and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation signed an agreement for the two organisations to undertake joint initiatives to promote fish consumption. During the proceedings, the Interactive Fish Centre (CIP) project was presented. This educational initiative is to raise awareness of fish products among children, and will be located in the Central Fish Market.