
Highest-rising product: the sardine

In the first eight months of the year, the sardine proved to be one of the Central Fish Market’s highest-rising products in terms of price. The average sale price of this species (until the month of August) surpassed that recorded for the same period last year by 35%.

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Refurbishment of the Retailers’ Guild headquarters

The Fruit and Vegetable Retailers’ Guild of Barcelona has remodelled its headquarters, located in the office area of the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market. Through this remodelling project it has improved the layout of offices, expanded its archive and updated furnishings and computer equipment.

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Mercabarna presents training courses to immigrant groups

On 15 September, Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna, Pablo Vilanova, Studies and Development manager, Toni Nieto, manager of the Customer Service Office (OAC), and the heads of the Training Centre, met with the representatives of the Pakistani Workers’ Association of Catalonia.

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Mercabarna: subject of a photography exhibition

The Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra Library is hosting the exhibition Fotointerpreta, an initiative by Barcelona’s Documentary Photography Centre and by the library network, based on a photographic interpretation of a literary work dedicated to the city. Mercabarna has a main paper.

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New pedestrian accesses

Good news for pedestrians who want to enter or depart from Mercabarna via Zona Franca’s Calle F! Since July, two revolving doors have been in operation in Calle Longitudinal 11, providing direct access to Calle F.

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Mercabarna chair praises Catalan fruit

On 6 August, Jordi William Carnes, Mercabarna’s chair and Barcelona’s deputy mayor in charge of Finance and Economic Promotion, held a press conference in Mercabarna where among other matters he announced that the fruit offer at the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market increases by up to 20% in the summer months.

More information about Mercabarna chair praises Catalan fruit

Mercabarna: international point of reference

On 21 July, Mercabarna received a visit from a delegation representing SO.GE.MI, the company that manages the Milan Wholesale Market. The group was headed by the chair of the organisation, Stefano Zani, and included its technical director, Antonio Grassi and the manager of the Fruit and Vegetable Market, Pierangelo Mapelli.

More information about Mercabarna: international point of reference