
The Red Point adds Market interest

The colour red is once again in fashion at the Central Flower Market. During the month of May, new actions were undertaken to promote the Red Point, with the aim of creating loyalty among current customers and attracting new clientele.

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Roses for blood donors

The Central Flower Market backed the blood donation campaign which took place at Barcelona’s Hospital de Sant Pau on 23 and 24 April.

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Montserrat Gil de Bernabé: “What I most like about the markets are the human relations established there”

Interview with Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna

The following interview took place barely a month after Montserrat Gil de Bernabé had taken office as managing director of Mercabarna. Her professional achievements have given her a thorough knowledge of the workings of the different links in the food chain. She is now putting this professional expertise to Mercabarna’s benefit.

More information about Montserrat Gil de Bernabé: “What I most like about the markets are the human relations established there”

Mercabarna takes part in a study to improve traffic circulation in the Llobregat axis

The Llobregat corridor is the highest-density goods traffic axis in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Some 100,000 lorries currently travel along this highway network (from Abrera to the Port), where the principal logistics nodes are concentrated: the Port, Airport, and Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) and numerous industrial estates.

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The first ‘virtual community’ for fish

Wholesale fish-business owners from the Mercasa central wholesale market network now have a common space on the Internet. This, the first ‘virtual community’ for sector professionals, is an initiative by the National Association of Spanish Fish Wholesalers (ANMAPE), with the joint collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. 

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Where should the Market be heading?

Cerdà Institute at the request of the Fresh and Frozen Fish and Seafood Wholesale Consignees’ Guild of Barcelona and Province (GMP) and Mercabarna, the aim of which was to discuss the most appropriate business schedule for purchasing and selling.

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Cultivar reveals the secrets of its ‘mystery’ products

What properties do micro-vegetables have? How are germinated products cooked? What is a Venus’s flower basket? On 8 April more people began to have answers to these questions, thanks to the tasting workshop on micro-vegetables, germinated products and flowers organised by the fruit and vegetable firm Cultivar.

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