Cultivar reveals the secrets of its ‘mystery’ products

8th April 2008

What properties do micro-vegetables have? How are germinated products cooked? What is a Venus’s flower basket? On 8 April more people began to have answers to these questions, thanks to the tasting workshop on micro-vegetables, germinated products and flowers organised by the fruit and vegetable firm Cultivar.

Guided by the gastronome Annette Abstoss, some 50 distribution professionals serving the restaurant sector, speciality shops and quality supermarkets discovered the culinary secrets of these singular products. In the course of the workshop, new products were also presented which until now had been exclusive to high-profile restaurants, such as the Venus’s flower basket and oyster leaves.

Cultivar plans to set up further workshops so that these products, now gradually beginning to appear in the market, will cease to be such an enigma not only for consumers but also the professionals who have to supply them.