5 October: official opening of Mercabarna-flor and Mercademostraciones

10th September 2008

José Montilla, president of the Catalan regional government, will preside over the mid-morning opening ceremony. Also present at the event will be Barcelona mayor Jordi Hereu, and Jaume Bosch and Lluís Tejedor, mayors of Sant Boi de Llobregat and El Prat de Llobregat, respectively. The new market is located on property belonging to both of these neighbouring towns.

Other dignitaries will also attend, such as Joaquím Llena, Catalan minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action, and flower-sector representatives from across Spain. As mentioned, the 25th Mercademostraciones show, a signature event which this year will put a special accent on accessories, will coincide with the official opening.

A day full of surprises
Throughout the entire morning, members of floral art schools will present the latest trends in plant, flower and, especially, accessory arrangements at different points throughout the Market. Also to be officially opened is the Market Showcase, a venue where Market import businesses, with the joint cooperation of the Dutch Flower Office, will be able to exhibit everything new in plants and flowers all year round.

The afternoon will feature a mass paella party and ‘Special Accessories’, a unique demonstration put on by the schools from the Association of National Centres for Training in Floral Art (CFAF). The celebration will conclude with a supper and there will dancing to a live orchestra.
Throughout the day, numerous children’s activities will be held and the Mercabarna-flor mosaic built. This large mural will be made of small pieces in personalised colours with the help of all the attendees.