José Martín, chair of the National Retailers’ Federation, dies

1st September 2008

Born in Majaelrayo in the province of Guadalajara, Mr Martín began to work in the trade world when he was just 15. In the late 1960s, he opened his first fruit and vegetable stall at Madrid’s Maravillas Market, and it was there that he began his work in associations. He also managed the Market for several years.

In 1982 he was appointed chair of the Madrid branch of the National Fruit and Vegetable Retailers’ Federation, a post he held until 2002. In parallel fashion and until his death, he headed the National Fruit and Vegetable Retailers’ Federation and held several posts in the Madrid Chamber of Trade and Industry.

Held in high regard by the fruit and vegetable sector, Mr Martín was an active man, with a great sense of determination and ethics and a vast capacity for setting up all sorts of initiatives, especially those related to the promotion of fruit and the vegetables among the general public. His enormous zeal for getting new projects off the ground led him to collaborate on more than one occasion with Mercabarna, where he will be remembered as a true friend and admirer.