
New vehicle exit gate

On 24 February, the Mobility Commission, formed by the Mercabarna management and the Association of Mercabarna Dealers (Assocome), approved the construction project for a new exit for vehicles onto street F in the Zona Franca or Free-Trade Zone.

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Eduard Soley: “I had to adapt my business and my family to night-time working hours”

Interview with Eduard Soley, Director, Frutas Soley

Eduard Soley is a retail trader and runs Frutas Soley, one of the most famous fruit and vegetable stalls in La Boqueria Market. When he was only 17, Soley inherited this family business, founded by is great-great-grandmother in the middle of the 19th century. His way of understanding retail selling makes Soley remember the era of the night-time Market with some nostalgia.

More information about Eduard Soley: “I had to adapt my business and my family to night-time working hours”