The Catalan Health Minister Visits Mercabarna

On 12 March, Marina Geli, Health Minister for the Catalan government, visited Mercabarna for the first time. The purpose of her visit was to exchange views with the heads of the Barcelona Public Health Agency, which ensures food safety at the market. This team consists of 13 veterinary technicians and 5 inspection assistants.
The minister was accompanied by Ricard Frigola, head of the Barcelona Health Region and Barcelona Health Consortium and vice-president of Mercabarna, Isabel Ribas, president of the Barcelona Public Health Agency, and Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna, among other members of the Ministry of Health the Public Health Agency and Mercabarna.

Visit to the fish and fruit and vegetable markets
The minister’s visit began before dawn at the Central Fish Market where, accompanied by Leandre Serra, president of the Fish Wholesaler's Association, she toured the facilities and observed operations at the centre. Later, Geli visited the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market with the same goal in mind, accompanied by Casimiro Llorens, president of the Fruit and Vegetable Wholesaler Association.

Interest in health and hygiene inspections
Geli took advantage of her visit to the Food Unit to meet with the Mercabarna and Public Health Agency managements. The minister asked about the food safety procedures and health and hygiene inspections that are in place at the markets and the businesses located in the Complementary Activities Zone (ZAC).
Later, representatives from the Association of Wholesale Dealers (Assocome) joined the meeting, led by their president, Joan Llonch, as did the presidents of the Fruit and Vegetable and Fish Associations.