Innovative projects are rewarded at Mercabarna

January 2017

The second edition of the "Mercabarna Innova" awards have chosen a new tomato variety, a new line of fruit and vegetable juices and the drive to sell ecological products as this year's winners. 

Innovation is imperative for companies that want to survive in an ever-more competitive market. In recognition of the creativity and efforts made by companies working at the market, the "Mercabarna Innova" awards were given by Montserrat Ballarín and a panel of prestigious experts in the agro-food, business and university sectors on the 8th November. 

A tasty tomato and healthy fruit juices win the awards 

Eight companies from the Food Unit, one more than last year, took part in this year's edition. First prize, valued at €6,000, was awarded to the company Gavà Group and its Monterosa tomato variety, which captures the traditional flavour of Mediterranean Garden Tomatoes all year round. The secret of its sweet fruity flavour is twofold: first, the seed is a cross of the Girona Pera tomato and the Italian Costoluto Genovese developed by the company Semillas Fitó, while the second factor is its growing location, in the salt and mineral-rich soil of the Cabo de Gata.

'The Juice Lover', the line of fruit and vegetable juices by the company Talls i Més, came in second, winning a €4,000 prize. The juice is made using innovative technology that extends its shelf life without preservatives or additives, all while maintaining most of the vitamins, enzymes and other properties. For the moment, the first line of juices, called the Ethics, is available in a range of flavours, and is aimed at the general public. The juices will expand in the future to include others that meet the needs of specific consumer groups such as pregnant women, people doing sport and children.

Recognition for the promotion of ecological products

The main new feature of this edition was the new category for ecological products, which awarded a €6,000 prize to the Hortec organisation. Founded 35 years ago, it was the first agricultural cooperative in Spain to produce and sell this type of product that is gradually penetrating the market. 

The president of Mercabarna and the jury
The winners with the jury, the president and the director of Mercabarna
The tomato Monterosa, first prize Mercabarna 'Innova' in 2016