More than 4,000 people visit the food pantry of Catalonia

October 2018

Wholesalers provided around 22,500 kg of fresh food for the runners' goodie bags and the communal brunch.

On Sunday 7 October, Mercabarna once again opened its gates to the city's residents to hold the 4th Fun and Charity Run, with the aim of showing runners and their families around one of the largest and most important wholesale markets in Europe. This year the event brought together more than 4,000 people, including the runners and their families and friends.

2,045 people took part in the Run, 1,094 of them over a distance of 5 km and 951 over 10 km. The runners passed through the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market, the Fish Market and other facilities in this great food city. Despite it being a Sunday, some stalls opened to give everyone an idea of ​​what wholesale markets are like.

Christmas camp in the La Mina neighbourhood of Barcelona

The money raised from the communal breakfast, the participants' voluntary donations and the contribution of the Obra Social will be assigned to holding a children's camp-canteen for about 50 boys and girls at risk of social exclusion in the La Mina neighbourhood of Barcelona ​​during the Christmas holidays.

22,500 kg of fresh food provided by the companies of Mercabarna

Just like every year, the companies which operate in Mercabarna made a significant contribution to the event, providing fresh products for the runners' goodie bags and the brunch as well as organizing workshops and activities to promote a healthy diet. Around 22,500 kg were consumed: 15,000 kg of fresh food for the 2,000 runners' goodie bags, 3,000 kg for the communal brunch, consisting of 15,000 sardines, 3,000 sausages and 12,000 pieces of fruit for dessert, and 4,500 kg for the children's activities and workshops held throughout the day, designed to promote a healthy diet.

Workshops to promote a healthy diet and combat waste

The Mercabarna Run has become a festival to promote a healthy diet and sport. As a result of the above, apart from the Fun Run for adults, their families and friends were able to enjoy more than 30 activities whose aim was to promote sport and healthy eating and prevent food waste.