The Mercademostracions are certified as a point of reference in flower fashion

December 2017

On November 12, 2,000 professionals from the sector attended this event, where the latest tendencies in floral art were presented. 

This event, which has been organized for 34 years by Mercabarna and the Associació d'Empresaris Majoristes (Association of Wholesale Businesspeople, or AEM), was based on the theme "Flowers and plants as design elements", and it served as a space for showing novelties in floral decoration, especially centred on Christmas themes.  Although simpler, more minimalist proposals dominated in the past, this year was focused on more baroque arrangements, alongside rustic and romantic styles.

Schools of floral art, the great protagonists      

Traditionally, Mercademostracions are a meeting space for schools from around the state that see this occasion as an opportunity to show their work to florists and decorators. In this edition, the schools in attendance were Deflorarts, Rosa Valls-formació, Escuela de Artesanos Florales, Escuela Andaluza de Arte Floral and Escola de Disseny Floral.

This last school was commissioned to offer the big afternoon demonstration, which became an homage to its 35 years. In a highly professional presentation, former and present teachers and students created Christmas flower arrangements that captivated the 350 people in attendance.

Contests, conferences and other activities

Just like every year, florists were also able to show off their skills with the contest "Dóna llum al Nadal" (Illuminate Christmas), won by Oriol Bargalló. The wholesalers that won the traditional Christmas tree decorating contest were Flors Catalunya, Regimat and Rillo.

In addition to viewing the creations by schools, professionals were also able to attend two conferences on the potential of web pages for increasing sales and optimizing time management. 

Presence of Mercabarna's 50th anniversary

This year, in addition, there was room for commemorating Mercabarna's 50th anniversary, with the presence of an animator who spent the morning riding around the market on an original bicycle that, with the help of those present, was decorated with a big number 50. A photo booth was also set up, allowing anyone who stopped by to take home a photograph as a souvenir.