The "5 a day" children's campaign updates its image

November 2017

The new graphics are adapted to the new tastes of the 9 and 10-year-old children taking part in the campaign.

"5 a day" has begun the school year with important new features: the modernization of the graphic identity and renovation of the web page, the educational unit to be studied at school and the family activity workbook. This change coincides with the coming of age of the campaign which has been promoted by Mercabarna and the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (AGEM) since 1999 to encourage healthy eating habits and the daily consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables. 

To mark the occasion, there are new characters based on real fruits and vegetables that come to life as a result of the fun-packed accessories. Although the characters in the campaign are figures representing broccoli, a carrot, a strawberry, a pear and a pepper, the aim is for the children to characterize any fruit or vegetable with the stickers they receive during the visit, which they can also download from the website. This exercise leads to greater interaction between the children and the fresh products they can find at home, in the school canteen and at the market, and also encourages the imagination and creativity of the younger ones.

With regard to the new web page, the portal is also inspired by the impish and friendly style of the new characters and contains data of interest to schools, families and children. These include specific information on seasonal products and their properties, the food pyramid, photographs of the visiting schools and activities to do at home and in the classroom. 

Related Links

The new characters of the campaign
A school visiting the Market