25% green energy for the Food Unit

July 2016

In March, Mercabarna and the Association of Mercabarna Licensees (Assocome), through the Energy Commission, participated in an online auction to contract electricity and gas together. This initiative, launched in 2013, aims to make supply companies offer more competitive prices to enable the companies at the food facility to reduce costs.

What is new this year is that 25% of all energy supplied to Mercabarna and the companies in the zone linked to the agreement will be green, that is to say that its production will entail no emissions of CO2. In fact, this was one of the conditions of the auction, in line with actions being taken in favour of sustainability and preservation of the environment. 

From an economic point of view, the winning bid represents savings of 12.3% with respect to the previous price, a far greater percentage than that of the results of the 2013 and 2014 auctions, 7.9% and 0.22% respectively.