More than 500 children took part in the charity summer campus

August 2018

For the third successive year, Mercabarna sponsored the initiative "Fresh Fruit & Veg, 5-a-day", which this time ran for a full week, to accommodate more children from summer camps in Barcelona and the province.

During the school summer holiday period, the domestic finances of many families are overwhelmed by the expenditure required for their children's' recreational activities. This situation is particularly acute for families with lower incomes. In response of this situation, for the last three summers Mercabarna has offered free activities for summer camps and social services organisations, focusing on the promotion of healthy living habits, not wasting food and recycling.

From the end of June until mid-August, as part of the initiative "Fresh Fruit & Veg, 5-a-day", more than 500 children, between the ages of 6 and 13, have visited the Central Mercabarna Fruit and Vegetable Market of, where they have discovered the wide variety of products which are sold there. They also visited a potato warehouse, took part in tasting workshops and tested their culinary skills by making fruit skewers and smoothies.

A 100% subsidised campus

Mercabarna covers all the expenses derived from the summer campus, including transport, breakfast and lunch for all those taking part. This initiative is supported by the AGEM and by the Food Unit companies, and they provided the products required for the activities.

Two children take part in tasting workshop