Mercabarna rewards innovation

February 2016

Last November 25, the 'Mercabarna Innova' awards were presented, designed to encourage the creation of innovative projects by the companies in the Alimentary Unit. The first edition recognized the work done by the Fruit Friends and Laumont companies, whose entries were a dehydrated fruit bar and a mushroom app for chefs, respectively.

Through these awards, Mercabarna wishes to reward the efforts of companies have devised innovative projects in such diverse areas as the development of new products, formats and packaging, the use of new technologies and the search for more sustainable processes, among others. In the words of the managing director of Mercabarna, Josep Tejedo"innovation is the engine for constant improvement on order to adapt to the changing needs and tastes of consumers, and is a key factor for competing in the current market".

The first prize of €6,000went to the company Fruit Friends for its Born GO bars, the first on the market to be made entirely out of fruit. The product is healthy, tasty and easy to eat, and makes for the ideal snack between meals or while doing physical activity.

Meanwhile, the second prize of €4,000 went to an app developed by Laumont, a company that is specialized in the mushroom and truffle trade. The app is called Naturchefand is designed for restaurateurs and chefs to always know what products are available and to therefore be able to plan their menus more easily.

A first class jury

Formed by experts and representatives from the university, business, administration and research worlds, the jury chose the two winners from the seven projects that were entered. The most highly valued aspects were how much of an improvement had been made in relation to product quality, processes and customer service.

From left to right, the managing director of Mercabarna,the winners of the prize 'Mercabarna Innova' and the jury