Huge Success of Fish Party

Retailers, wholesalers and Market employees, along with their families, enjoyed a very special ‘open market’ day. As an exception to the rule, the Market was filled not with produce but rather with activities, inflatable toys and workshops covering everything from capoeira to makeup classes, as well as storytelling for children, the ‘fish wheel’ game, habaneras, and so on.

One of the most popular activities was the fish-handling and preparation competition, where wholesalers and retailers demonstrated their speed and precision in weighing and preparing fish for cooking.

The winner from among the wholesalers was Miguel Segurana, from the company Visiedo, while Miguel Valero took home the prize for retailers.
Another point of interest at the party and which drew many visitors was the exhibition entitled “A Proactive Market”, explaining the Market’s history and evolution from the late 19th century. The event culminated in a mass fideuá and impressive chocolate cake in the shape of a fish.

Commemorative Plaque
During the party, Mercabarna managing director Montserrat Gil de Bernabé and GMP president Leandre Serra unveiled a commemorative plaque marking the 25th anniversary at the main entrance to the Market.

Ms. Gil de Bernabé congratulated the market staff and stressed the great job they had done in promoting fish. “Wholesalers convey their knowledge to retailers and then retailers explain to the public everything they know about fish. In this way you have all helped raise fish consumption,” she said.

Mr. Serra said the market was on the right track and had “very good people” working in it. “Together we have made a modern market leader that is one of the best in Spain,” he said. The two also agreed that the market has a future if wholesalers and retailers can adapt to the needs of consumers today and in the future.