Wholesalers celebrate the Fish Market’s 25th anniversary

Some 300 people attended the event, including Jordi William Carnes, deputy mayor for Finance and Economic Promotion and chair of Mercabarna; Martí Sans, managing director of Fisheries for the Catalan regional government; Antoni Fernández Teixidó, member of the Parliament of Catalonia; Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna and others related to the fish sector and trade.

Following the dinner, Mr Carnes addressed the wholesalers to underline “the close understanding between business owners and Mercabarna that has existed over these last 25 years, something that has made this Market grow”. He also made a toast: “Let’s hope we will all be together to celebrate the golden anniversary!” GMP chair Leandre Serra recognised the work that wholesalers perform on a daily basis and expressed his intention to keep on “working together to make the Fish Market a pioneer market in the world”.

Remembering the past
The dinner was full of moving moments. One was the tribute the Guild offered Market wholesalers over 80 years old. Josep Barrufet, Pepito Torné, Joan Boada, Joan Moreno, Eugenio Videla and Francisco Muelas each received a commemorative plaque of the 25th anniversary, in recognition of their work and dedication to the Market. Current Guild secretary Pere Xampeny was also distinguished for the work he performs in the organisation.

Memories of the old Central Wholesale Market on Calle Wellington were also kindled at the dinner, especially when images were projected of its final days of operation. To top off the evening, there was entertainment by the popular comic Jordi LP and dancing for all attendees.