Conclusion of postgraduate programme on food business management

18th July 2008

Attending the event were Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna; Joan Llonch, president of Assocome; Yvonne Colomer, director of the postgraduate programme; Daniel López, representing the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; and Josep Mestres, professor of the postgraduate programme, in addition to the students and teaching staff.

During the ceremony, diplomas were awarded to the students who had completed this programme, the majority of whom work in fruit and vegetable companies in the precinct. In her address, the programme director remarked, “A manager of a fresh produce company has to be dynamic, flexible, rapid at making decisions, open to changes and new ideas, and must also possess strong negotiation skills. Through this postgraduate programme we seek to enhance these capacities.”

Furthermore, in response to suggestions put forward by students and sector professionals, Yvonne Colomer went on to say, “In upcoming editions of this course we will focus on issues such as international trade, human resources and management quality.”

Montserrat Gil de Bernabé observed, “Globalisation has opened new markets yet has also caused everything to change more swiftly. Thus, we have to be on the alert for these changes because what is acceptable right now will not be acceptable for long.”

The purpose of this 200-hour postgraduate programme is to equip students with the basic tools and knowledge they will need in order to manage a wholesale food business. The 4th edition will commence on 9 October.

Those interested should call 93 262 17 16 or send an e-mail to assocome(ELIMINAR)