100 issues of Distribución y Consumo

2nd July 2008

In this issue, for example, the magazine features exclusive studies of Spanish eating habits, the valuation by consumers on the commercial offer and services, and also a detailed report on the evolution of food purchasing and consumption habits in Spain over the past 20 years.

To mark this ‘centenary’, on 1 July Mercasa hosted an event in Madrid, presided over by Elena Espinosa, minister of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, which gathered representatives of institutions, the academic world, and the trade and distribution sector, including Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, managing director of Mercabarna; Joaquim Ros, director of Markets and Promotion, and José A. Crespo, David Chica, Silvia Llerena and María Jesús Prieto, MERCASA’s advisors to Mercabarna.