Spanish transport strike affects Mercabarna

17th June 2008

At no time during the strike was Mercabarna left absolutely depleted of stocks, thanks, above all, to the joint effort and ingenuity of business owners and producers from the different supply areas, and the dauntlessness of many buyers who came to the precinct in small vehicles. All this was done in the interest of consumer service.

A concerted effort made by the entire food chain and security forces
The effects of the strike could be seen in two focal points of the precinct: at the accesses, where picket lines were mounted until Wednesday and police presence was evident until Friday, and in the Markets themselves.
The Fruit and Vegetable Market managed to handle the complete product demand until midweek thanks to the foresight of business owners who unloaded goods over the weekend.

The Central Fish Market experienced a similar situation, starting off with a 40% product offer over a ‘normal’ week. The Slaughterhouse also began the week with activity thanks to the fact that animals had been brought in during the weekend.
Even so, by Wednesday Market supplies had dropped to 15% and Slaughterhouse activity had plummeted to 10% for lamb and 0% for beef.
Buyer turnout was also very low, since only small, local buyers came in to stock up.

Markets get back to normal
By Thursday, the Markets had improved their offer to 35% in fruit and vegetables, 20% in fish and 70% in slaughter.
By Friday, things began to get back to normal thanks to the entry of a number of lorries loaded with goods. This enabled the Fruit and Vegetable and Fish Markets to supply up to 70% of their usual offer. Furthermore, the massive entry of animals once again made it possible for the Slaughterhouse to reach maximum slaughter capacity.
Throughout the day, the two Markets showed a spectacular increase in the number of buyers, up around 100% at the Fruit Market and 110% at the Fish Market.

Extra market hours
On Saturday, 30% of the operators at the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market decided to open their stalls to serve their customers and ensure the supply of products, particularly from Southern Spain, for the weekend.