Joan Llonch, re-elected president of ASSOCOME

20th April 2008

Also to serve another term are Casimiro Llorens, president of the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona and Province (AGEM) and Leandre Serra, president of the Fresh and Frozen Fish and Shellfish Wholesale Consignees’ Guild of Barcelona and Province (GMP), as first and second vice-presidents, respectively. Antonio Manzano (Frimercat), until now secretary of the organisation, has been designated third vice-president. Josep Maria Segú (El Corte Inglés) will occupy the position of secretary.

The returning board members are Miguel García (G. V. Zamorano), Jordi Plana (Central Flower Market Wholesale Business Association-AEM), Celestino Canadés (Pescados Videla), Josep Torné (Serafín e hijos), Francesc Casamitjana (Casamitjana y Torrent), Miguel López (Moray Fish), Carles Martí (Fruits CMR), Enric Capafons (Cía General Carnia), Lorenzo Carrasco (Central Dica) and Pere Sitjar (Cultivar). The new members are Eva Clemente (Bebicash), Núria Gustems (Pepito Torné), Juan José Díez (Semon), José María Cañellas (Euro Serv. Asist. Telf.) and Max Jean Robert Barral (Bargosa).

The organisation’s immediate aims are to continue working on the renovation of the concessions its members have in Mercabarna and to obtain space for the Food Unit companies to expand on the property belonging to the Zona Franca Consortium that borders Mercabarna (22AL).