Contact with customers in Germany and Algeria are strengthened

Market studies on these countries carried out by the "Mercabarna Export" Cluster, with the help of Barcelona's Chamber of Commerce, resulted in the organisation of two trade missions which were of great benefit for the participating companies. The key objective was to have a schedule of meetings with customers of great interest for Mercabarna's firms.

The first mission took place on 23rd September, where, making the most of the Seafood fair being held in Barcelona, eleven German fish and seafood importing companies were invited. These held B2B meetings with eleven Mercabarna firms, and, in addition, were able to learn more in situ about the Central Fish Market. The second, in contrast, consisted of a trip to Algeria at the end of October, where three fruit and vegetable companies and one meat company from Mercabarna had the opportunity to take part in customised interviews with ten importing firms from the cities of Algiers and Oran.

Next target: United Arab Emirates
Following this approach, the "Mercabarna Export" cluster and the Chamber of Commerce will hold, on 6th November, a meeting open to the companies from all the sectors of activity in the enclosure that want to find out more about business opportunities in the United Arab Emirates.