Looking for potential customers in Algeria and Germany

As part of the strategy to continue strengthening the international activity of the companies at the site, the Mercabarna Export Cluster has asked the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce to carry out some market studies about the distribution of food in Algeria and Germany, which were highlighted by the firms in the Cluster as countries of great commercial interest.

These studies, presented in separate meetings held in May and June, are a good tool for looking in more detail at the supply channels for the fresh products, the profile of the customers, the products, the logistics, etc. that exist in those countries. However, above all, these analyses have allowed us to identify a number of potential customers for the companies in the fruit and vegetables sector and the meat sector in the case of Algeria and in the fish and seafood sector in relation to Germany.

With this customer database in its hands, the Mercabarna Export Cluster has now established the steps to be taken to help the firms there contact these potential purchasers. In September, coinciding with the holding of Seafood in Barcelona, B2B meetings will be organised between companies from the food site and German buyers from the fish sector. Meanwhile, in October there will be a trip to Algeria so that the fruit and vegetables and meat companies at Mercabarna can meet some of the strategic customers identified in the study.

For more information on these studies and to take part in the trade missions, find out more about joining the Mercabarna Export Cluster by calling 93 556 35 30 or emailing cluster@mercabarna.cat