Mercabarna: Home to Wifi

The Telecommunications Users’ Commission, which includes representatives from Mercabarna and the Mercabarna Concessionaires’ Association (Assocome), has promoted this initiative to facilitate Internet access to all food sector professionals who come to Mercabarna and either don’t have 3G or, if they are foreigners, would find it very expensive to log on with their data rates.

The service manger is KubiWireless, a firm that specialises in offering wifi Internet access in public and private spaces related to the business world. In Barcelona, for example, it already offers this service at Barcelona Airport, Fira de Barcelona, the stock exchange and in around thirty hotels, among other places.

In the case of Mercabarna, the network which Orange (the food estate’s telecommunications operator) has deployed throughout the grounds will be used. This network has around 100 wifi points guaranteeing maximum coverage in the Food Unit’s streets and facilities.

Pay connection
Users who wish to take advantage of this service will just have to find the kubi_Mercabarna network on their devices, log on and register before they start to browse. During the first months of operation, until 31 May, the applicable rates will be €2 per 30-minute connection, €5 per day or €10 for a full month.

For any questions or to report an incident, please contact the KubiWireless customer service centre on 902 19 57 88 or email ayuda(ELIMINAR)