First Actions of the Good Commercial Practices Code Begin

The 15 organisations that have signed up to the Good Commercial Practices Code for the Food Chain in Catalonia, which include Mercabarna and the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona (AGEM), have implemented a campaign in which all the actors in the agrofood chain will participate in promoting locally sourced products.
This initiative is the first specific action developed under the Good Practices Code and is framed within one of the main strategic areas of the agreement, which aims to improve the information customers have and their perception of locally grown produce in order to boost its consumption.
The campaign involves distributing advertising posters to more than 600 wholesale and retail points of sale - in Mercabarna's case, located at the entrances of the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market pavilions - which will promote the characteristics and health-giving properties of different seasonal products. The first to be promoted in the campaign are new potatoes and cherries.