Mercabarna Fruit and Vegetable Sector at Fruit Logistica

A total of 11 fruit and vegetable businesses from Mercabarna chose to make another appearance at Fruit Logistica, which was held in Berlin from 8 to 10 February. This trade show is without a doubt one of the world’s most important meeting points for professionals in the fruit and vegetable trade and explains why firms including Diego Martínez e Hijos and the Gavà Group (under the Prodeca umbrella), Cultivar, Fruits CMR, Fruits de Ponent, Frutinter, Granero Catalunya, Hermanos Fernandez, Nufri, Tollupol and Torres were keen not to miss it. The companies used the event to shore up their international positioning and seek new commercial contacts.
Mercabarna managing director Josep Tejedo and the head of the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market, Josep Garcia, also attended Fruit Logistica, with the goal of supporting the participating Mercabarna companies and gauging the current situation of the European fruit and vegetable sector.

Other markets’ experiences
Making the most of their time in Germany, the Mercabarna managers visited the Munich Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market, which is currently in the process of deciding on the remodelling of its facilities. The purpose was to learn about the German market’s experiences with a view to drawing on them to enhance the future modernisation project of the Mercabarna Fruit and Vegetable Central Market.