Mercabarna’s Contract Advising the Government of the Minas Gerais Region in Brazil Draws to a Close

Mercabarna has for many years been a beacon for countless institutions around the world, keen to drawn on the Food Unit’s experience to roll out improvement and renovation projects for their wholesale markets.
The latest consultancy project Mercabarna has performed, and which drew to a close in January after a year’s work, has been with the government of the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. The goal was to help the government develop two different clusters, one dedicated to production and the other to fresh produce marketing and processing. Within this second cluster, Mercabarna, together with the engineering outfit IDOM, was in charge of drafting a master plan for a project to expand and modernise the wholesale market of the regional capital, Belo Horizonte. The plan also includes rolling out a Complementary Activities Zone to provide added value to products and new specialised services.