Mercabarna Businesses to Enjoy Preferential Treatment to Promote Innovating Projects with the Barcelona Science Park

Mercabarna managing director Josep Tejedo and the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) general director Salvador Maluquer signed a cooperation agreement on 15 January by which food estate businesses may use the scientific and technical services afforded by the PCB’s technology platforms under preferential economic conditions (a 30% discount). This means they will enjoy the same prices as any of the 70 organisations and companies located on the PCB premises.
The businesses can receive advice from the Applied Research Platform in Laboratory Animals (PRAAL), the Toxicology and Ecotoxicology Unit and the Proteomics Platform on matters including genetic traceability of animals, the detection of contaminants in foodstuffs, process and product quality and safety studies, and the development of technologies, products or services to enable them to stand out commercially from their competitors.
The Science Park, established by the University of Barcelona in 1997, is an international reference point in fostering innovation and in knowledge transfers between universities and business sectors. It currently includes three research institutes and more than 70 organisations and companies, and offers an extensive range of technological support for research.