Mercabarna and Assocome: Working Together to Lead the Mediterranean Food Hub

At the 7 November board meeting of the Mercabarna Concessionaires’ Association (Assocome), Mercabarna management presented Food Unit business representatives with the new project that Mercabarna hopes to run over the next few years: the Mediterranean Food Hub.
After holding a number of working sessions with Assocome chair Joan Llonch, Mercabarna managing director Josep Tejedo explained the content of this strategic project designed to enable Mercabarna to continue as one of the world’s leading markets in which wholesale businesses play a fundamental role.
The Mediterranean Food Hub will promote business expansion abroad, the added value of foods through innovation and tech transfers, and the marketing of local and bio-friendly foods, among other matters.

Mercabarna-Assocome Strategy Committee
For its plan to lead the Hub, Mercabarna enjoys the direct participation of estate businesspeople. A Mercabarna-Assocome Strategy Committee was recently created with different working groups to jointly define common future needs and objectives and the steps required to deliver on them.
Some of the most immediate issues to tackle include a campaign to boost the Mercabarna brand among professionals and end consumers, and different sales activities in countries that could supply the Food Unit. The Committee as a whole will also analyse ways to make energy and water savings and improvements inside and outside the market’s grounds.
Finally, it will continue to emphasise the training and cluster development in a bid to shore up Mercabarna business competitiveness.