Barcelona Food Cluster Association: What Does the Foodservice Sector Ask of Its Suppliers?

The aim of the meeting was to put foodservice channel suppliers in contact with sector businesses. Altogether, around 20 foodservice companies from Mercabarna and outside the estate attended.
At the symposium, the corporate purchasing manager for Grupo Eat Out, Ignasi Iglesias, spoke about what his company demands from its suppliers. Grupo Eat Out is a restaurant group with 650 outlets that include such well-known brands as Pans & Company, Fresc Co and Bocatta.
Mr Iglesias pointed out a number of characteristics which suppliers should meet, such as ensuring maximum stability in product supply (in terms of volumes, qualities, prices, etc.) and offering foodstuffs that are simple but different. He also said suppliers should have an excellent grasp of the market and understand the requirements of their customers’ customers.