Mercabarna, Supporting Catalan Cuisine World Heritage

On 22 June, Mercabarna and the Catalan Institute of Cuisine Foundation (FICC) signed a cooperation agreement to work on the campaign “Catalan Cuisine World Heritage: Candidacy 2013”.

Mercabarna has joined the powerful group of institutions, organisations and companies supporting this initiative, which is aimed at persuading UNESCO to declare traditional Catalan cuisine Intangible World Heritage.
The Chair of FICC, Xavier Mestres, was very positive about Mercabarna joining this project which "will not only serve to conserve our heritage but also boost the economy, since it will help to promote our chefs and our products internationally".

The Managing Director of Mercabarna, Josep Tejedo, highlighted the benefits of the Food Unit taking part in the campaign, since “thanks to Mercabarna we Catalans can take advantage of a good supply and wide range of fresh foods, vital to our cuisine and to the Mediterranean diet".

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